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  • March 8, 2021

3 ways to make last-mile delivery memorable

Last-mile delivery is often overlooked in D2C(Direct to Consumer) businesses. Usually, the only strategy plan is to try and make it as cost-effective for the business as possible while not compromising on the speed of delivery. While the time taken to deliver a product is equally important, the quality of delivery makes a huge difference in how a brand is perceived. Here are 3 things marketing brands must keep in mind to provide a seamless last mile experience for their customers.

Build Excitement 

One way brands build hype is by letting the customer track their delivery in real-time. When the consumer comes to know that ‘the package has arrived at the nearest hub’, the excitement level builds. This is one of the most common ways brands engage with their customers. Hence, brands must have greater control and management of their entire supply chain. Many Tech companies have for long largely focussed on how they can provide a great last-mile delivery experience to customers and whoever wins this battle, wins the jackpot.   

Instilling a sense of care and love 

The biggest challenge for any e-commerce business is customer acquisition. Though advertising seems to be the fastest way of acquiring customers, due to heavy competition and deep discounting in the current market scenario, businesses are desperately trying to look for other innovative ways to foster brand love and brand advocacy. A kind of sweet gesture can go a long way. Not only does this improve word of mouth, but this could also improve customer retainment. Customers react positively to personalized gifts, vouchers, and letters. It builds engagement and brand loyalty.         

Stand Apart 

Recently, an e-commerce giant received a green flag from the Federal Aviation Administration of the United States to operate its fleet of drones to deliver packages to their customers. Be it packaging, nature of delivery, personalized products, or surprises, the brand has a potential space that it can own. And it is recommended that this end be utilized to the maximum for maximizing customer engagement with the brand and increasing brand satisfaction. How can one brand make this business unique is what will differentiate the brand from every other brand and this seems to be the future. The big players gear up against young entrants to the market, many of whom are looking to make a difference in this space themselves.  

The last-mile delivery is one place where businesses should push for creativity and innovation.We would love to know your perspective on the last mile delivery. Do you agree with us about leveraging the last mile experience? Let us know by commenting below.

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