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  • January 16, 2023

Benefits of an integrated supply chain

With new challenges emerging all the time, companies are always looking to increase the efficiency of their supply chain management, however, the response or ability to respond quickly and confidently to change remains a challenge.

Consider the current state of the COVID-19 epidemic. Research shows that 94% of Fortune 1000 companies experience supply chain disruption due to a complex, uncoordinated chain that provides a variety of services. These key generators of low response will create potential billions of dollars in global revenue and affect countless people living on equality.

The epidemic has accelerated as senior supply chain executives see a greater need to adopt a supply chain management approach. Without it, any solution to the current or future problem may exist but will continue to be difficult.

A well-connected, closely connected network managed by a competent 3PL provider is highly responsive and offers many benefits:

Development activities

An integrated supply chain oversees all of your transportation operations - from storage and customization to product customization, packaging, and omnichannel delivery - and introduces a single, integrated view of the entire system while eliminating any possible knots or sources of hiccups. Gradually it strengthens the efficiency and effectiveness of your efforts and can be reused to expand into new markets, open up more sales channels and provide value-added (VAS) services.


Managing business fluctuations

An integrated supply chain makes for greater visibility, visibility, and prediction in the system to significantly improve the level of customer focus in your organization. It enables you to adapt fast enough to meet business fluctuations such as sudden changes in application patterns, seasonal requirements, and other different market needs very easily. With expanded space, flexible staff, modern equipment, and a wide range of travel options, the integrated system enables you to increase or decrease according to each need.


Cost control

With the growth of electronic commerce, customers are demanding faster, more accurate, and more commercially viable demands only if the related items are firmly in place. An integrated supply chain can help you not only manage costs but also reduce costs of goods, transportation, personnel and training, equipment, and technology. You can also improve your productivity levels and avoid asset management costs by following a build-to-order approach as opposed to a build-to-stock approach for the supply chain management.


13 SQFT.COM has the expert knowledge with its end-to-end procurement service for what you need with improving the way your supply chain structure works and making it more sustainable.

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