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  • November 21, 2022

Cold Food Storage: Leveraging 5 Key Automation Technologies

Real estate is a hot topic right now. Along with consumer goods, transformation, e-commerce shopping practices, and the growth of frozen goods, a cold supply chain, and cold food storage are required.

Whether it is in a metropolitan area, to meet the minimum fulfillment and hyperlocal requirements, or as a regional distribution center, the availability of real estate has decreased according to Real Capital Analytics. Cold industry growth, however, is expected to reach 4.5% by 2023. This means that storage providers face the challenge of improving environments when handling inventory prices and speed.

Supply chain technicians can prepare for this expected growth by eliminating inefficiency and using default items to hold the appropriate items.

Below is a quick summary of the high-tech automated cold storage technology.

Cold Storage Product Management & Automation Technologies

From ASRS (automatic storage and recovery systems) technology converted to a cold environment for cold storage to robotic palletizing implants that help with standard, mixed SKU pallets; automation technology exists and continues to emerge. Here are some common cold storage compartments, and automatic food and beverage options that can be used alone or integrated for a fully automatic operation.

Unit Load Cranes

It is designed to be inexpensive to carry integrated luggage in and out of overcrowded storage. There are a variety of horizontal and vertical speed options, and lightweight cranes mean faster acceleration as well. This allows for load stability and low noise levels while maintaining operational speeds as fast as possible for cold food storage.

Pallet shuttles

Automation technologies like these use the cart system to transport pallets quickly using a deep storage rack. Other options include the lifting power to move the pallets straight up. In refrigerated areas where temperatures are poor, this is a good solution for maintaining the comfort of the staff and providing greater flexibility than standard forklifts.

Mini Load Cranes

Designed to store and retrieve small items in less time, incorporates lightweight alloys that increase speed and provide lower costs associated with installation, operation, and maintenance. Similar to load-carrying cranes, they offer ergonomic operating stations, flexible speed, and acceleration, as well as increased load intensity and low noise levels.

Automatic forklifts (AGF)

Renovation of a large building comes at a high cost that some operators may not be able to budget for themselves. On the other hand, an automatic forklift can be the automation technology that serves these activities without the need for a major overhaul or investment.

Robot picking and palletizing

Choosing a full layer is another strategy that fits into cold storage areas. Robots can skillfully select one or more layers in a palette to create what is commonly called a rainbow palette or a "mixed SKU" based on customer order. This is a common application among companies with a wide range of SKUs to fulfill customer orders. Robots are flexible and can adapt to cold storage spaces adapted to market changes.


As the technology used within these cold and extreme regions becomes stronger, better connected, and better controlled, it will open up new business opportunities. With the rise of e-commerce and the changing consumer shopping habits, especially the cold supply chain, new initiatives coupled with hyperlocal fulfillment with black stores and small filling methods encourage the need to explore solutions for nearby warehouse solutions.

Using technology, automated systems, smart software, network design strategies, and widespread networking strategies, our various Bastian Solutions experts can help cold chain professionals manage their operations. Automation is needed to help drive efficiency in this series of inefficient inventory. 13SQFT.COM can assist in this regard and reduce operating costs and costs, increase storage congestion, and create ergonomic and remote workplaces.

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