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  • January 2, 2023

How you can build a robust & resilient integrated supply chain

Disruption will continue to affect supply chains, today and tomorrow. A complex and diverse person may not be able to cope with the beating and the collapse, as was true in many organizations during the COVID-19 epidemic.

If you wish to adopt an integrated supply chain management approach, consider the following key points:

1. Eliminating organizational deficits: The integrated SCM approach only works if the organization can effectively identify potential barriers between its many departments and integrate them for better dialogue and collaboration.

2. Set the goals of the organization: Once you have removed the department's monsters, the next logical step is to define the objectives of your organization as one complete organization instead of separating your attention between a separate business unit and a unit of structure and metrics. In this section, you can also establish organizational metrics that can be continuously tracked and analyzed to understand the opportunities and threats throughout the supply chain and apply what you learn to further refine the objectives.

3. Align your processes: To get an integrated supply chain process design, take a different approach. Start at the top level and create an end-to-end map of the entire business process. Keep in mind that you can extend the response time and work with a higher cancellation volume by performing repetitive tasks automatically with the robot process. Download more service providers, which more experienced retailers can replace by integrating supply chains.

4. Reflect on your IT architecture: Follow a similarly different approach to redesigning IT systems. Consider deleting various applications to open up the same set of applications across the organization. Use analytical tools, which can detect risks and variability in demand, to enable effective, accurate, and fast responses.

5. Enable configuration: Get everyone working on the same playbook to reduce dependence on personal processes, improve systems and processes and ultimately reduce costs. Evaluate the process, infrastructure, and technology and make provision for adequate training and skills development to allow for integrated implementation.


An integrated supply chain approach that uses advanced industrial processes and advanced technology is the best way forward. End-to-end procurement services from 13SQFT.COM will help you build tight and highly responsive supply chains that can withstand a lot of pressure and stay efficient and deliver value in the long run.

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