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  • March 14, 2023

Implementing AGVs with Robotic Palletizing Systems

An important role of a guided vehicle (AGV) when working with robots is the delivery/removal of items. Special attention should be given to areas of collaboration to have an effective ecosystem for automation. Normal delivery/removal includes empty palette stacks, sheet stacks, or finished loads. In the past, these items would be handled by the operator or forklift driver and if the operator needed to enter the robot cell, the robot would have to stop production to provide a safe environment for the operator. They can enter and leave the robot cell to perform the function without any time to rest the robot.

Critical decisions should be made about how best to use them and how they will interact with building materials and the structure of the system as a whole. If you are handling pallets, AGV-style lifting or AGV-style transport can be used. Below are six common rules for determining the best unit for your application.

Lift Style AGVs: 

  • Used when the robot cell space is too high

  • Collaborative points need to be more than 25 ”or more

  • It works well inside robotic cells

  • Supporting equipment: Requires stationary stands and/or special paler transmitters

Conveyor Style AGVs:

  • More driving space is required

  • It needs a transmitter inside the robot cell to

  • loading and unloading of building materials

  • Collaborative points need to be above 22 ”or higher

  • 90% of the time when these two AGV / SVG styles will apply for palletizing filing. For an additional 10%, Bastian Solutions' automated unit can design, customize, and integrate AGV customizations into those truly unique payment transfer challenges..

Another important factor is the required interaction between robotic palletizing cells. The connection is made via the PLC network and the server in a highly compatible way. The AGV server conducts the process by telling each unit where it needs to be and when. This is done by creating a journey based on feedback received from PLCs around the facility. Palletizing cell PLC identifies the required server; that could be an application for a new blank pallet, a low sheet stack, or a fully built-in signal. The AGV server then generates the voyage, supplies, and connects the fleet. If you are looking for a professional company that will serve your company with this system, 13 SQFT.COM with its end-to-end procurement services can assist you well.

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