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  • September 12, 2022

Keys to choosing the right warehouse management software

Warehouse management systems make it easier for firms to run their day-to-day operations and inventory management processes. These tools were particularly useful during the epidemic when minimal paperwork and frictionless protocols were critical to running a profitable business. 

Both dealers and those involved in the supply chain profit from warehouse management software. Although most warehouse software platforms are inexpensive to set up, supply chain suppliers should examine certain characteristics and conditions when choosing a warehouse management software that meets their demands. Here are a few things that one should keep in mind while choosing a WMS. 

1. Recognize the Advantages of wms system

When larger activities and different processes need to be managed flawlessly, wms system is usually more beneficial. As a company's size rises, so does the complexity of managing inventory, as well as other procedures like billing, product shipment, and so on, necessitating the use of a competent wms system. Inventory, storage capabilities, product/material expiry dates, sales, and customer support are all visible with such a system.

2. Understand your requirements and return on investment

Basic tracking functions such as ordered, packed, sent, and received are provided by this tier-3 warehouse management software. Additional tier-2 system features may include restocking, job direction, optimization, and minimal reporting. Tier-1 systems include complete order flow controls, fast response times regardless of transaction volume, forecasting capabilities, and labor allocation. These systems also give advanced reporting, such as warehouse floor status, among other things. 

3. Select the Top Vendors

A vendor with a warehouse management system that can identify precise measures to address difficulties and investigate information line by line has more utilization and scope. Furthermore, while a vendor may have tried and established processes, the implementation should be done according to the requirements so that the system gives the best answer straight away. A good WMS should be able to scale up as the company grows, delivering solutions as and when they are needed. Viewing a demo of the program and learning about the numerous features it supports is a good way to choose the best WMS software. 

4. Organize a Project Team

To guarantee that the warehouse management system is adapted to the organization's needs, the team should have the necessary management privileges. Rather than the IT department, the business units should choose how the WMS software should function for them. When essential inputs are available at the proper moment, the influence of a WMS on business unit activities can be accurately structured.

5. Determine Process Improvement Technologies

A SaaS platform – software as a cloud service — can be used to service warehouse software. Easy access to the WMS software, excellent data security, decreased infrastructure (since it is cloud-based and can manage expanding volumes), and easier software upgrades/changes are just a few of the benefits. Data security is required for inventory data and the history of completed processes/tasks.

6. Business intelligence and reporting are crucial.

A WMS's business intelligence solutions can be used to perform periodic analysis and forecasting trends and fluctuations. It's a sophisticated procedure that can help a company see into the past as well as the future. Using reporting capabilities, every operation on the warehouse floor may be watched in real-time. WMS reporting features should typically include quick error detection and comprehensive problem remediation. 

7. Requirements for Training

Ensure that your staff receives sufficient software training as well as direction on the procedures that the company monitors using this software. It's best to train on the finalized program, which has taken into account all of your customizations. 

8. Gauge the provider's dedication to continuous improvement

Every process, including WMS, needs to be improved regularly. The organization can classify and deploy strategies to make the most of the features the WMS offers by forming a continuous improvement team. The level of commitment and improvement in a vendor's relationship with the business should be judged not only by what is promised but also by what is delivered on time. 


Managing warehouses can be challenging. Using well-designed warehouse management software, a company can drastically minimize errors and boost profitability. As you can see, having an outdated WMS can cost your business money. Are you ready for the most efficient WMS upgrade possible? To discover more about 13SQFT, its benefits that will meet your demands, and the seamless deployment to get your operations back on track, contact us immediately at 13SQFT.COM.

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