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  • June 24, 2022

The Role of Wireless Technology in Warehousing

Wireless technology has changed the way the world works. Landlines have been alternated with cell phones. Ethernet cords have been replaced with Wi-Fi boxes. There are boundless possibilities to come from wireless features, and many of those are obvious in the logistics industry. In the discussion below, we will examine the role of wireless technology in warehousing so you can see just how much of an impact this revolution has had on warehouses.

Real-Time Inventory Management

Perhaps the immense impact that wireless technology has in warehousing is in the potential to manage and track inventory levels in real time. This allows retailers to keep track of their stock so they do not end up with a surplus inventory of certain products. Product details are uploaded into the system as soon as merchandise arrives at the warehouse, and that same detail is used to track the products as they go out of the warehouse. All of the communication is completed through wireless technology, and retailers can get the information at any time.

Cloud-Based Data Storage

As we have specified above, most inventory management systems are wireless now. Instead of seeing workers with clipboards wandering around the warehouse, you see people with scanners entering information into a virtual system. That virtual system can be backed up in the cloud, a stable online storage center for data. Making use of cloud-based data storage, distribution centers can communicate with their customers throughout the day – providing them with a live response about their inventory levels. This information can be gained through any device that connects to the internet, as long as the person has the login credentials to get to it. 

Wireless Communication Devices

Wireless communication is not new. Walkie-talkies have been around since World War II, and they have been operated in the warehousing industry for quite some time. However, these dated devices have been reformed over the years, permitting a wider signal range and direct communication for everyone working in the warehouse. Some warehouses still use bulky-looking communicators to talk with one another, but no matter the size, they all work with wireless technology.

24 Hour Warehouse-to-Client Communication

Wireless communication doesn’t stop in the distribution center. It also broadens the way warehouses talk to their clients. Rather than meeting in person once a week or calling the customer on the phone, a warehouse staff member can directly email the client and wait for a response. This lets the client respond at a time that is most convenient for him or her. If the client and the warehouse are working in different time zones, email communication can bridge the gap between operating hours so each and everyone stays up to date with the inventory.

Wireless technology continues to transform the way warehouses and distribution centers work across the country, and there is no sign of those changes stopping any time soon. 13SQFT offers a wide range of wireless technologies such as IoT Services, Cloud Solutions, Warehouse Management systems, and many more. Compare price quotes from multiple vendors & service providers from Mumbai, Gurgaon, Delhi, Noida, Pune, Chandigarh, Thane, Bangalore & all other major Logistics hubs in India. Visit our Website to know more.

Ishika Adhana

Ishika Adhana

Digital Marketing Executive




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