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  • August 16, 2022

What You Can Do To Make Sure Your Pallet Racking Is Safe

To maintain worker safety in a hard-working warehouse environment, a pallet racking system must be in good functioning order. In terms of product loss, time loss, and potential harm, warehouse mishaps can be disastrous. Employers should prioritize keeping their employees safe while they are on the job. Raising safety standards can boost employee morale, minimize workplace accidents, and save money in the long run by reducing the number of structural repairs needed in the warehouse.

The majority of pallet racking mishaps fall into one of these categories:

  1. Damage from a forklift
  2. Overloading
  3. Insufficient load clearance
  4. Installed incorrectly
  5. Damage from a Forklift

Correct installation, inspections, and preventative maintenance all contribute to lower repair costs by avoiding more serious damage or wear. The most common cause of damage is an impact from forklifts and picking vehicles operating in the aisles. Damage is also caused by uneven loading and overloading, so it's a good idea to start with these steps to prevent the warehouse racking system from being damaged -


Professional installation, as well as frequent pallet racking safety checks, are essential to ensure that your pallet racking system does not collapse. Pallet Racking Systems can set up your used industrial racking and make sure it's built properly with the required hardware. We'll ensure you're aware of your rack's operational and weight constraints. We'll also ensure you get the best design guidance possible and take care of any future changes.

Once your system is up and running, you'll need to establish a pallet racking safety policy that includes prompt reporting of flaws and damage, as well as a schedule for internal visual inspections and third-party expert inspections.

It's critical to follow strict safety practices after installing your warehouse pallet racking system, such as:

Aisle Markings 

It is critical to install aisle markings to indicate equipment traffic routes and pedestrian paths for the safety of pedestrians and those using machinery. Machinery traffic routes should be constructed to avoid blind corners and steep bends and to minimize the necessity for reversing.

Signage for safe working loads 

Maximum bay, beam, and pallet loads

Within the warehouse space, strict machinery speed limitations should be maintained with prominently visible signage.

Reasonable aisle widths 

Suitable aisle space is required within a pallet racking system so that machinery can securely transport and remove stock without causing harm to the pallet racking. 

Clear Pedestrian Ways 

It is critical to maintain equipment traffic and pedestrian paths clear of items and packaging to promote employee safety and prevent damage to machinery. 

SEMA (Storage Equipment Manufacturers' Association) is a trade association that promotes the proper design, installation, and usage of storage equipment produced by its members.

  • An inspector who has been trained in SEMA standards and criteria will inspect your warehouse racking and ensure that:

  • Your installation complies with all current Health and Safety Regulations.

  • The SEMA Codes and Guidelines have been met by your installation.

  • Any potentially hazardous components are identified.

  • Any potential for mechanical handling equipment to cause harm to storage systems is identified. 


Pallet racking safety checks should be routine in many warehouses because they are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Pallet racking safety checks should be performed monthly or biweekly, depending on the frequency of use, and should be supplemented by ongoing, daily visual inspections, which are the duty of everyone who works in the area.


A rack safety inspection will assist your company in identifying concerns, problems, and hazards so that faults, damage, and wear can be addressed before a major incident occurs. 13SQFT.COM is the team to call for all of your warehouse storage and organization requirements. Pallet rack installation is one of our specialties, as it allows for improved space efficiency and storage capacity. Contact us today to learn more about our racking system options and other warehouse services, so your warehouse can benefit from pallet rack solutions right away! 

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