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Automated Storage Systems are far more popular and efficient than traditional storage systems. They are fast, accurate and have literally no scope for human errors. ASRS with Stacker Crane is a highly efficient system for loading/unloading of goods, such as pallets and containers.
Stacker Crane is a machine that runs in the aisles between the racks/shelves and performs the loading/unloading operations just like a forklift. The crane runs smoothly on rails that are mounted on the floor that results in a quiet and steady movement of goods. It enters an aisle, positions itself in front of the respective location and carefully extracts/places the load from/at the desired spot. The whole system is controlled by a Warehouse Management System. Since the crane can reach as high as 40 metres easily with the press of a button, you can store materials at unused heights and save up extensively on expensive floor area. It can easily handle loads of all lengths and weights.
It can extract material from heights with complete accuracy and safety. The speed and accuracy of the system is what makes it a great choice for warehouses with high intensity operations. A Stacker Crane can handle up to 3000 kgs of load with absolute grace. Using ASRS with Stacker Crane can cause a downward spike in manual errors in all your loading /unloading operations and thus result in increased overall productivity. The precious human resources can thus be free of these mundane tasks and be put to better and more important uses where human skills are essential.
Mini Load is a subtype of ASRS system for totes, bins and cartons which lets you store maximum number of items in a limited space. The system is identical to ASRS with Stacker Crane with the only difference being, it is designed for lower load capacity as cartons, bins boxes and totes are lower in weight compared to palletized goods.
Main Features:
1.) Automated System
2.) High density storage
3.) Better Speed
4.) Adaptable.
1.) Greater productivity
2.) Least errors
3.) Space efficient
4.) Accurate & Safe.
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