SQFTA-2063 Automated Storage and Retrieval System

Automated Storage and Retrieval System


An automated storage and retrieval system (ASRS or AS/RS) consists of a variety of computer-controlled methods for automatically placing and retrieving loads from specific storage locations.

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Product Specifications

Brand Vinar Systems
Load Capacity 1500 Kg
Operating Speed Customized
Length -
Height 18 m

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Product Info:

An automated storage and retrieval system (ASRS or AS/RS) consists of a variety of computer-controlled methods for automatically placing and retrieving loads from specific storage locations. They focus on bringing “goods to the man” rather than manual walking and searching. Space savings, increased productivity / reduced labor, and reduced inventory levels are some of the benefits. The equipment required for an AS/RS includes a Storage & Retrieval Machine (SRM). Common types of SRMs are mini load and unit load. An SRM moves loads on three axes : vertically and/ or horizontally in the aisle and then laterally to place the load in a storage location.


1.) Improvement in operator efficiency & storage capacity

2.) Reduction of work in progress inventory

3.) Improvement in quality & just in time performance

4.) Provides make to order capability in addition to make inventory production

5.) Inventory control and instantaneous reporting functionality.



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