SQFTVC-1684 Industrial Vacuum Cleaner

Industrial Vacuum Cleaner


Wet and dry vacuum cleaning with a full copper wire induction motor.

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Product Specifications

Brand Nilkamal
Capacity 30 L
Voltage 240 V/AH
Size(LxBxH) 360x357x640 mm

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Product Information

Industrial Vacuum Cleaner:

HEPA filters can filter out very fine dust & dirt particles (0.3 to 0.2 microns in size), thus allowing only very clean & filtered air to be released back into the environment.

1.) Adjustable with suction joint and spray gun with safety buckle

2.) Stainless steel housing, thermal protects valve with HEPA Filter

3.) Advance floor brush

4.) Metal telescopic belt

5.) Sippon floor brush.



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