SQFTBF-6196 Man Cooler Fan

Man Cooler Fan


Man Cooler Fan

₹ 32500 /Unit

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Product Specifications

Brand Teral-Aerotech Fans
Material Stainless Steel
Speed 2850 RPM

Product Information

Teral-Aerotech is affianced in manufacturers of supreme quality Industrial Man Cooler Fan. This man cooler fan is widely used to expel the air from a ventilation system. Man cooler s fans as they’re typically observed, were developed primarily for purpose cooling of persons and machinery in industrial environments wherever no or little ventilation exists. Man cooler fans are designed to stay the body temperature operating in working industrial unit, cool. due to automation everywhere the words, industrial units are becoming quick automation.

Additional Information:

Sweep: 300 mm
Motor: 0.5 H.P



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