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Flooring Solution's Best prices list from top manufacturers in India 2025

PU concrete Flooring


Our range of PU concrete flooring is a monolithic, seamless, solvent-free, polyurethane flooring system with a smooth matt finish.

₹ 48 /sqft

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Product Specifications

Brand Jemkon
Material Type Polyurethane concrete floor coating
Surface Finish smooth matt finish

Product Information

Our range of PU concrete flooring is a monolithic, seamless, solvent-free, polyurethane flooring system with a smooth matt finish. Along with high impact resistance, Polyurethane concrete floor coating  can also withstand a good amount of abrasion and chemical resistance.

PU concrete floor is also known as one of the toughest in situ floorings when compared with epoxy flooring or regular polyurethane floors. Jemkon’s PU concrete floors generally consist of resinous material with a combination of filler, which includes resin, hardener, filler, and color. Mixed onsite with a variable speed stirrer and applied very quickly due to its short pot life. Unlike regular epoxy or polyurethane coatings, PU concrete floor coating is applied at a higher thickness ranging from 3mm to 12mm depending upon the load factor and chemical resistance required.

Our PU concrete floors have a different molecular structure which is well crafted to withstand tremendous dynamic and stationary load and are designed to absorb thermal shock arising due to the temperature fluctuations in cold storage kinds of environment. Steam cleaning is one of the key features of PU concrete flooring which makes it again stand apart from regular floorings.

Polyurethane concrete floor is designed to provide long-term maintenance-free PU flooring coating with food-grade properties inhibited which also makes it unique in the epoxy flooring category. Contact Jemkon to get the best estimate of PU concrete flooring service. 





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