SQFTRP-1724 Radio Pallet Systems

Radio Pallet Systems


A radio shuttle system provides increased storage and flexibility for efficient pallet handling.

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Brand Armes Maini

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Product Information

Radio Shuttle Pallet System:

A radio shuttle system provides increased storage and flexibility for efficient pallet handling. It allows the operators to go about their other duties while the radio shuttle system takes care of transporting pallets. FLEXY Radio Shuttle for deep lane storage is designed and managed by the Ferretto Group. It is ideal for multi-depth storage systems for large quantities of pallets with high rotation frequency.


1.) Flexible pallet transport up to 1500 kg

2.) Lithium battery fitted with a Balancing System to ensure optimum support when discharging

3.) Radio frequency remote control

4.) Pallet detection sensors

5.) System integrated through WMS

6.) Emergency button and navigation sensors

7.) Reduction in balancing times when charging is complete.


1.) Increased throughput: each forklift can handle up to 4 shuttles

2.) Space saving

3.) Low maintenance cost.



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