SQFTRT-1791 Reach Truck on Rentals

Reach Truck on Rentals


We provide Reach Trucks on rental basis as per the requirement of the clients.

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Product Specifications

Brand NewGen Tech
Capacity 2500 Kg
Load center 600 mm
Turning Radius 1550 mm
Power Source Electric
Fork length 1250 mm
Battery Lead Acid

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Product Information

Reach Truck on Rentals:

Newgentech Rentals offers wide range of Material Handling Equipment on Rent. In addition to that, “NGT Rentals” has started offering Storage System (Racking System) on Rentals.

When making the decision to buy or rent, here’s something consider: renting is more profitable than buying or even leasing. The reason is simple. Profits result from using equipment, not just owning it. The true cost of buying equipment includes maintenance and upgrading outdated equipment, which means what you spend can actually be many times the sticker price in the end.

When you rent from NGT, you get a full 360 degree Equipment Service solution, wherein we perform a high quality service using Equipment best suited to your needs.


NewgenTech Rentals” offers wide range of Material Handling Equipment on Rent. In addition to that, “NGT Rentals” has started offering Storage System (Racking System) on Rentals.

1.) NGT provide Short Term as well Long Term Rentals.

2.) Well Maintained Equipment on Rentals.

3.) Dedicated & Prompt Service.

4.) Assured trained operations.



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