SQFTSF-2287 Stretch Films Rolls

Stretch Films Rolls


We manufacturer LLDPE Stretch Films Rolls depending upon the clients needs/requirements.

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Product Specifications

Material LLDPE
Thickness .023 mm
Width 600 mm

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Product Information

Product Info:

1.) Easy to pack & ship

2.) Protection of products

3.) Made of LLDPE

4.) High strength

5.) Durability.

About Us:

Our range of environmental friendly corrugated packaging products is manufactured from quality proven raw material which undergoes stringent quality analysis. Equipped with sophisticated infrastructural facilities and skilled manpower, we have carved a niche for ourselves in the national and international market.

Our progressive organization is the result of our goodwill that we have gain by providing the finest quality products. In order to sustain a competitive edge in the global markets, we are constantly upgrading our technology to meet the exact requirement of our clients.



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